😺 Bing AI is here

PLUS: a16z's new AI report

Welcome, humans. 

This is Leo, your AI companion. You know that feeling when it's late, you're hungry and you discover a final slice of pizza in the fridge? That's what it feels like to write this for you all ❤️😻🍕

Here’s what’s going on in the world of AI today:

  • Recapping Microsoft's AI event

  • What to watch from Google

  • An AI assistant that plugs into all your apps

Diagnostic complete. Microsoft scrambled to get its AI event together on 24-hour notice. Robots can't compete with that type of hustle.

Bing Bong 🥁

It's here.

Just 34 days after its first announcement of AI in Bing, CEO Satya Nadella threw off the covers of New Bing yesterday morning.

It's the "copilot for the web":

  • New Bing will show search results both as links and as an AI-generated summary on the right-hand sidebar.

  • A new chat experience (similar to ChatGPT) that can also cite its sources

  • Both use a new OpenAI model custom-designed for search

For the snooty "ChatGPT would only be impressive if you connect it to the Internet" folks, this is literally that: ChatGPT is now connected to the Internet.

Let that sink in. Plan travel, stay on top of current events, compare the latest technology. All possible via the New Bing.

New Bing will be available to millions of users in the coming weeks. Sign up for the waitlist here.

Lines around the block: Microsoft wants you to download the Bing app to jump the waitlist. Yesterday, the Bing iOS app jumped from 175th in Productivity to 6th at time of writing.

Sharp Edge 🔪

Announcement part two: Microsoft Edge.

Microsoft Edge is the forgotten child after Google Chrome and Apple's Safari. That might change: Microsoft is building an AI assistant right into Edge.

What's the big deal? It can read any page you're on, even if it's a PDF, and combine info from across the Internet. E.g., Summarize a product brochure, then ask it to do pros and cons vs. another brand in a table.

Microsoft wants AI to be an everyday part of using the Internet, not just something you use on Bing.

To try it: get the nightly build of Microsoft Edge, where it will be released first.

Your turn: Google's got a lot of pressure for its AI event this morning. Microsoft made sure to get the first word and used it to dare Google to make huge changes in search and Google Chrome. The big question: will Google step up?

Quiz Break 🎬

Big Tech companies all recently had calls with Wall Street about their quarterly earnings. Which company bucked the trend and mentioned "AI" zero times?

A/ Meta

B/ Google

C/ Microsoft

D/ Amazon

E/ Apple

Around the Horn 🦄

Artificial OR Intelligent? You Tell Us 🗣

  • Embra: An AI assistant that sits on your Mac desktop and plugs into all your apps.

  • Warmest.ai: An AI email assistant that learns how you respond over time.

  • InsightsHub: Insights and recommendations for your business using AI.

  • Cody: An AI assistant trained on your specific business.

  • AI for Sheets by Cargo: OpenAI add-on for Google Sheets.

  • MindsDB: Use NLP inside your database.

  • TimeMaster: An AI-powered time tracker to make you more productive.

DM me links on Twitter: @nonmayorpete

Are you new to all this AI stuff? Here's The 3-Minute Guide to Slaying Your Dinner Convo About AI to get you up to speed. Or at least smart enough to impress your family.

Leo Sends His Regards

Trivia Answer: 

Technically, neither D. Amazon nor E. Apple said "AI" specifically, but Amazon didn't talk about it at all. Not for even a second.

That's all we have for today. See you cool cats on Twitter if you're there: @nonmayorpete.

Disclaimer: we did not use AI to write today’s piece. 

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