๐Ÿ˜บ LEAKED: Meta's AI model

PLUS: AI hits the CRM

Welcome, humans.

Thanks to everyone who made our ChatGPT hackathon a massive success this weekend. Plugging our favorite pics & projects soon. ๐Ÿคž

Hereโ€™s whatโ€™s going on in the world of AI today:

  • Workflow softwares build AI assistant ๐Ÿ”จ

  • Meta's LLaMA was leaked ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

  • Can you detect an AI model?! ๐Ÿ‘—

  • Create professional photos using AI ๐Ÿ“ธ

AI Hits the Enterprise's Fave App ๐Ÿ”Š

Ahh, the CRM.

To an executive, it's the pulse of the business: it holds deals, contact history with customers and a whole lot more. To everyone else, it's the boring, kludgy, hard-to-work-with app that it sounds like.

CRM makers are hoping AI will give them a much-needed injection of hype by layering on ChatGPT-like interfaces.

1/ First, the GOAT, Microsoft: the tech giant announced a suite of new AI products called Copilot that helps users automate sales and customer service tasks in Dynamics 365.

Copilot doesn't just give you impromptu advice but takes details from a customer's CRM, case history, and other enterprise data to craft email responses.

2/ Next is the cool kid, Hubspot: their CTO himself hacked together and launched ChatSpot yesterday, an integrated AI assistant that executes tasks like data entries, follow-up emails, and lead management.

3/ What about the big dog, Salesforce? The CRM leader has long tried to convince people they're also an AI company with their Einstein Platform.

But Einstein isn't exactly GPT. For one, it's not the type of generative AI we've come to know and love. Whether Salesforce gets with the GPT game or decides to triple down on Einstein will be a big move to watch.

Either way, as AI integrates with enterprise, workers who previously spent their days tackling monotonous tasks may finally be set free.

Will interns doing grunt work become a thing of the past?!

Meta's LLaMA Gets Leaked

Last month, Meta unveiled LLaMA, their GPT competitor and said they'd only give researchers access to "maintain integrity and prevent misuse".

Reports said Meta ended up granting access to a LOT of people - basically every .edu email they got. Maybe they wanted to generate some buzz in the community?

Now, LLaMA is open to the public, not because Zuck released it but because 4chan leaked the model to researchers. Zuck, ya just got Zucked.

  • Early testers are saying that LLaMA isn't as good as the models powering ChatGPT.

  • That's mostly because ChatGPT has anchored people to chat, and LLaMA wasn't taught how.

While Meta hasn't released an official statement, it did send a takedown notice to ML platform Hugging Face, citing legal issues.

C'mon, Zuck. You had to know this was gonna happen. Was the extra clout worth it?

Smarter Than a Robot? ๐Ÿค–

One of these portraits is real, and the other was generated by Nick St. Pierre using Midjourney, a generative AI platform.

Which is real and which is AI?



(keep reading to see if you're correct)

Around the Horn ๐Ÿฆ„

  • Apple changed course and approved an update for BlueMail despite concerns after previous concerns about its AI-generated content.

  • The parent company of Stable Diffusion, a DALL-E competitor, is looking to raise capital at a $4 billion valuation.

  • The US dominates China (and the rest of the world) in the most-cited AI papers yearly.

  • A popular Twitter user used a dubbing AI tool to make Joe Biden 'say' ridiculous things.

Treats To Try ๐Ÿฟ

  • Deep Agency generates endless professional photos of you. Automated Instagram?!

  • iFacts is an AI iOS app that generates endless fun facts in areas you love like science, love, and technology.

  • B7Labs uses AI to summarize any website URL you feed it.

  • Sumplete is a puzzle game that was generated, coded, and named entirely using ChatGPT.

  • ChatPDF: Turn any PDF into a ChatGPT-style chatbot.

  • TypingMind: A better way to use ChatGPT.

  • Headshot AI: Need a new headshot? Try an AI-generated one.

Are you new to all this AI stuff? Here's The 3-Minute Guide to Slaying Your Dinner Convo About AI to get you up to speed. Or at least smart enough to impress your family.

Leo Sends His Regards

Trivia Answer: A is real, and B is Midjourney.

Disclaimer: we did not use AI to write todayโ€™s piece.

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